Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 10 Some Tourist Action

Got the kids up at 7AM to take a walk at a popular park in Petaling Jaya (town near KL). The kids did not like me doing that…obviously. But I did what every parent would do when they take their kids to a faraway country. Force em anyway to drag their behinds up to do something they assume was a pain but actually a good experience in the end. The park was filled wild monkeys that roam the walkways and trails. They had a great time taking such close-up shots and then in the middle of the park it started to pour…like it rarely does back home. The best part was running in the extremely warm rain downhill and it felt so refreshing. They admitted later they were glad they went. Then after a quick shower and breakfast we headed to a mountainous temple. There, monkeys were clamoring all over the place as well and the kids got to touch them as well. See pixs. We also got to have a small python (I think) wrapped around each of us. To stay cool, off to Sunway Lagoon…a place very similar to Water World only larger and the pools were humongous.

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