Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 11 More Tourist Stuff

Another early wake up call for the kids. I can tell the grumbling kicking in even more. We had to get to the Petronas Tower before 8AM to get in line for free tickets. They only let in the first 800 in line come in per day. We got there at 8:20 and ended up the 825th folks. Real bummer. So we came up with a plan, We decided that Kayla and my aunt would scope out nice guys in line to see if they could get tickets for us since each person can get up to 4 tickets.. Unfortunately no success. So I had to resort to drastic measures. I decided to do the same. After a quick recon, I found 2 tourists that looked easily convinced. After doing a quick intro and then explaining the cause and then having to explain the definition of why it was a good idea, they 2 girls agreed and booyah….we were in. It was an awesome view form the skywalk between the 2 towers. We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping at the these stalls strewn all along a popular street. After an incredible crab dinner, I granted Kayla her “one” wish for the trip; to go clubbing in Malaysia and Singapore. So we headed out to a hot spot at the KL Hilton. She had a great time there especially when we left her alone for 5 mins and she met a kid from Libya who gave her his email address. Boy was she excited…..Kids today….Unfortunately for Dad, the bill for 1 OJ, 1 Shirley Temple, 1 Draft Beer and 1 Jack D set him back 45 big ones. Booze is expensive in Asian countries. Tomorrow we head out to a Beach Resort for some R&R…hopefully prayed the kids…..They were wondering when Dad would slow down.

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