Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 13 Rest Day – Almost…..

Pictures: There are no road rules in Malaysia; Anything goes including this dad and kid. Mangoes the size of Watermelons. Under a waterfall. Archery Practice. K&M in infinity pool.

Kids got to sleep in late at the resort….10AM. Sharon and I got up at 8 for breakfast. Malaysia’s older cities are pretty laid back. The folks here have no sense of urgency and no sense of commitment. Although we reserved a Flying Fox ride (zip-lining) today, they cancelled on us stating it was too wet….I didn’t think so. Meals took them 20 mins to deliver and 20 mins after we asked for the check. They are just too laid back for me. After a late morning archery showdown followed by some paintball target practicing, we did some kayaking in the ocean after lunch. The water in West Malaysia is as dark as California’s. Nothing exciting that except that the temps in the water felt like 85 or so. It was nice falling in. After a nice swim in the pool we headed for a banana boat ride and that was when injuries abound. After a few turns, the boat overturned. Marcus was kneed in the head. Kayla was hit in the back of the neck. Aunt Sharon got a fat lip and bruised nose and Dad got a 1 in gash on his back. There was only 4 of us on the boat and nobody knew who hit who. We survived it although Sharon and Kayla are still feeling the repercussions. No more banana boats for us for a while. It’ll be dinner soon at a Thai restaurant. We head back to KL tomorrow to prepare for our Rain Forest visit.


  1. It sounds like you are all having a WONDERFUL time! I love the blog - it's awesome to hear about your trip. I'm happy to hear that you are eating so well and eating and eating. I feel sorry for the kids...hee hee : ) Take care and keep up the blog! Dawne

  2. All this talk about thai cuisine is making me hungry! Glad you all are having so much fun!!! See you soon, have a safe trip home.
