Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 9 Wednesday Back to Malaysia

It was time to take a breather from Spore. Besides eating and some shopping, there isn’t a whole lot for the kids to do so we took the first bus ride out to Kuala Lumpur (KL), capital of Malaysia. The country is populated with palm oil, their chief export I think. With the use of soy bean in the states for bio-diesel fuel, it looks like they’re betting on us buying boat loads of palm oil from them.
Although Spore is 80 miles north of the Equator, and KL a couple of hundred miles north of Spore, we had hoped that the weather would be a tad better but alas, that was not true. The smog here is quite bad. From the deforestation in neighboring Indonesia, the winds blow directly to us and hence the haze.
On the sunny side, Malaysia is a whole lot bigger than Spore and there’s a lot more open space and things to do around here. Ethnically, Malaysia has the reverse racial breakdown from Spore. The Chinese are the minorities and mosques run in abundance here. The spend too much money on these buildings and not enough on their people. The 2 countries do not see eye to eye on many issues but fortunately they coexist well together.

After settling in my aunt’s house, we were on the way to taste the foods and stores of Malaysia. We had our first tatse of South African food….yep….you can get anything in Asia and it was pretty darn good followed by another excellent Chinese dinner. We ended the evening with me indulging in some durian, the most despised food of the Western world which included my kids. Wish I could bring some back home but I would probably by sentenced to exile forever by the INS if I did. We also got to buy some awesome DVDs for $2 a pop. What a deal!!!!! Only in Malaysia….Tomorrow’s another day

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