Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 0 We're Off to the Orient!!!!!

Well we finally left the US after our final American meal at IHOP. I sure hope it was our last meal and that the kids will be open to a whole new world of culinary experience. We left SF for Japan right on schedule......a far cry from usual domestic travel. Started off well coz the kids were elated to be in Business class. The seats reclined all the way to almost flat and there were a plethora of electronic gadgets to play with....videos,games,movies you named it and the had it. I was pretty amized at meal time that both kids actually were willing to try authentic japanese food as long as they had their cokes and 7Ups betwen the bites. The 10 hour flight to Japan really didn't take long so that was great. We're at the lounge in Narita Airport and leave for a 7 hour flight to Singapore in 15 mins. Trying successfully to keep the kids awake and hydrated so that they can crash when we arrive at 1AM in Singapore and adjust quickly. Sad thing is they are already complaining about the hunidity and we haven;t arrived yet.........Pray for these weak kids :) Sayonara.....

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