Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 1 We're Here!!!

Singapre ain't what it used to be.....A Condom House???? Where the locals live...

On the subway.....
In a typical Public Restoom (huh??)
A Freeway in Singapore (can you believe the fauna!)

After 22 hours, 5 meals, 8 bottles of water and 1 Jack Daniels, we made it. Arrived at 1AM and picked up by my brother. As soon as we walked outside the airport, I knew why I left Singapore 28 years ago......the humidity hit us like a sauna. Kids were whining but fortunately, the excitement of being here overwhelmed thier complaints. They had their first taste of Spore food at 2AM and were pleasantly suprprised. The Hotel was right downtown and they got to see some of the lights of Spore. After forcing them to go to bed to overcome the jetlag we got up at 8AM and begun our day. They got to see why dad like Sore so much and got into the habit of eating every 30 mins. Food was everywhere in restaturants, on the streets and anyplace you could possibly think off. The got to ride the MRT (line subways), swam, some shopping. visited family and then culminated in a wonderful seafood dinner where Marcus indulged in Chilli Cras and Black Pepper crabs etc..Kayla was going down fast for the night (jet lag we think). Attached are pictures of some of our scenery...


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