Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day - 1 Day Before We Leave for Singapore

Hello friends and family....This is my first attempt at bear with me OK? I thought I'd give it a shot to share our experiences on the trip by blooging so we can keep some memory of in light of my lack of remebering anything older than 1 month. So here we are at the Good Nite Inn (huh????) hotel at SFO waiting for tomorrow. For 21 days free parking, how could Az not miss that steal of a deal.

1 comment:

  1. First Question:
    What is the barbed wire photo represent? Was the Good Nite Inn that bad? Behind prison walls?!! Way to go on getting the 21 days of free parking! That's my kind of deal! I hope you don't have to worry too much about the inmates taking your truck for a joy-ride!

