Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 7 Monday - Trip to Malacca

I think I am forgetting what day it is around here these days coz everyday seems like a Saturday. Today the kids and I got to see a glimpse of another country. Getting to Malaysia is like crossing Truckee and getting to Nevada. The 2 countries are connected by 2 bridges (causeways here) and the 2 countries are only 1 mile apart. You can tell you’re in Malaysia coz the signs quickly change from English to Malay.
Malaysia is a little more rustic than Spore and being 100 times larger still has many areas where there is n running water or electricity and homes are built on stilts and bamboo. We visited an old Portugal settlement called Malacca where the kids got to try food made with a Portuguese touch….(didn’t appeal to them to much).
Driving in Singapore and Malaysia is a definite experience. Most of Asia drive on the opposite side of us where the driver’s side is on the right. Although it seems the whole country seems like a typical 8AM LA 405 freeway 24X7, people here drive very aggressively and you have too. It’s the only way to get around if you want to get from point 2 point. Yet since it’s the norm, no ones really gets mad or shoots one another. Not that they could anyway. Guns are outlawed along with chewing gum. Crime rate here is at a minimal and Singapore is truly a litter free island. People here do work very hard for a living though. Everyone seems to work long hours and the kids here have it even worse. We may think that a GPA of 4.3 is ridiculously tough but imagine NEEDING to have the equivalent of a GPA of 5.0 to be accepted into one of only 3 universities in the country. It’s a nightmare. NO wonder many leave for Britian, Australia and the US to get their degrees.
Speaking of degrees, another scorcher of a day in both countries and it is taking a toll on Marcus. But he’s a trooper. As long as he had his Subway sandwiches and a Coke, he’s surviving……geez….. Good Night….

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