Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 4 - A little History and Sights

Now that's we've settle down a little, I thought I'd share some facts about the country in light of remarks from the kids' friends. Singapore, along with her neighbors is not an emerging country. They have emerged and are pretty
emerged. Singapore is a country 26 miles wide and 18 miles high with a population of about 3.5 million. Imagine all those people living in Sac County. With limited space, everything is built either underground or straight up. The majority of
homes are 20-30 stories high and the either county is one giant transportation hub with subways intertwined beneath the city. You actually don't need a car in this country :) I can see why they ban all drinking, eating and gum in the subways. It is so spotless that you truly can sleep on the subway floors. The dominant race here is Chinese making up 75% of the population with the rest Malays, Indians and a concoction of races. And yes, 95% of the population speak English and about the same number of them are either bi or tri lingual. Amazing isn't it.
Temps run in the low 90s all year round which isn't bad except for the fact that the humidity runs in the 80s-90s ALL year round too.....That's the killer.

Enough of facts for now. Today I took the kids to Chinatown. There were some similarities to the one in SF. The kids did a little souvenir shopping but saw and tasted food that definitely crushed their appetite for the day (unfortunately). From dry squids, bats, sea urchins galore that hang down store fronts to fruits of varying colors and shapes, they got a good picture of what people here eat to stay healthy. I think that's the trick to looking young in Asia.

We ended the day going to the Singapore Flyer, the world's largest ferris wheel. To give you a size comparison, each chair (actually a bubbled room) seats 30 people. We go up and around to a height of about 30 floors and you can imagine the view from the top. It was 30 mins of amazing sight. Unfortunately for Singapore, word has it that China is building the highest one, about 10 feet taller than theirs. They love pitting themselves against each other.

As usual, the kids crashed quickly and quietly to prepare for the next day.

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